Heard Pst Tan share a Word on Tuesday... Felt so encouraged...
Mt 22:14 "For many are called, few are chosen."
3 things Christians ought to do constantly:
1) Repentance
Pst Tan shared that very often we are not the first choice (certainly not me!) in God's plans, we are in actual fact the fifth choice, the tenth choice, or even the twentieth choice in God's plans.
Then how did we end up being the one God chose in the end?
Because we chose to keep repenting (of our sins, our wrong mindsets, our bad attitudes). When we are rebuked and corrected and discipled, rather than feel depressed and give up, we kept on going. We kept on trying to be better people. That is why we are still where we are today.
The first choice, the second choice, the third choice, the fourth choice may have become disappointed and given up. But because we kept on going, we kept renewing our old mindsets, we kept fine-tuning our attitudes, we kept repenting of the things we do wrong, that is how we now become the first choice. The Last shall become First!
2) Believe (Have Faith)
Believing and having faith is the same as repenting... We need to keep on doing!
We simply stubbornly keep on believing till we see what we're hoping for!
When things don't go right, we keep on having faith in God and His Promises. When people and leaders and friends discourage us, we keep on believing. Even if we have believed for the past 10 years and nothing happens, we still keep on believing, we still keep on having faith that what God has promised He will bring to pass, to have faith that what we have sown we will surely reap. This is what persevering faith is all about. This kind of faith and believing is what will help you endure and hold on till the day that Jesus comes back again. Persevering faith is the kind of faith that will lets you see that breakthrough in your family that you've been praying for, the kind of faith that lets you experience that financial breakthrough that you've been waiting for, the kind of faith that lets you see the fruits in your ministry that you've been hoping for, the kind of faith that brings the revival that you've been praying for!! A person who can last this race is the one who can keep on believing. If you can do this, you will be the one that being the Last, you can become the First!
The third thing Christians ought to do constantly......
3) Bear Fruits
This is what sets many Christians apart from each other--the ability to bear fruits. This is what sets leaders apart from each other--the desire and the love to keep bearing fruits. This is what sets YOU apart when you get to heaven and you see the eternal inheritance and reward that you will receive from God for eternity. So we need to reach out to the lost, help the younger ones in God grow, help grow the church and CG, to run with Pst Kong in His God-given vision, to support Pst Aries in his visions for our zone (800 members for CG, 1000 members for Svc by the end of 2009), to build up the Kingdom of God. Bear fruits!!
Matthew 7:19 "Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire."
The moment you are born, God starts to call you from the world into the Kingdom of God.
But the moment you enter the church, the Kingdom of God, God Himself begins His SELECTION PROCESS.
What is God looking for during the Selection Process?
Are you someone who keeps repenting (in your mindsets, thinkings, attitudes) and keeps changing?
Are you someone who will keep on believing in Him and His Word, to keep the perserving faith in Him?
Are you someone who bears fruit for Him? How much is your fruit?
The Last can become the First in the Kingdom of God, but there are requirements when we want to move up in God's eye. Let's be faithful! Let's not be conformed to the world in the way we think, speak or act. Let's be transformed by the Word of God. Let's do these 3 things (Repent, Believe, Bear Fruits) that every Christians ought to do!!
Let's be the Best Christian that we can ever be! Because WE LOVE GOD! That's what I (Dorcas Xu Yiwen) wants to do!!
Jiayou N161!! :)
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