Thursday, August 27, 2009

To Live for that Moment!

As I was saying on Wednesday... At Riverwalk... "Sometimes our goal, our aim, our only purpose is to live to make that "moment" come to pass for our leaders." Guess only the 6 that were there at RW will understand this.. It is really about serving them! But the Best thing is "as you fulfill the visions of your leader, God will ensure that your own visions will come to pass too!" We will never always understand everything that they do, but it's about doing it, helping them live for that moment where God can move through them..

Dear CGCs, you have to always remember, that YOU are the ones that your leader depend on to make that CG meeting great, that ministry time powerful, the awesome growth to happen.. Bear their burdens, place importance on what they feel is important, place value on what they value, carry that same vision, have that same purpose. It's not about ourselves. Know their hearts. It is not about them knowing what we know that matters, it is about us knowing what they know that really matters. Serve your leaders, your pastors, your senior Pastor. Ultimately we are serving GOD, not man. Col 3:23

1 comment:

  1. Amen! =) Thank you Dorcas for sharing with us this challenging msg! Yea, sometimes I don't understand why our leaders do certain things, why certain things are function this way, and I'd reason and ask questions in the past but now, I'm determined to stop reasoning and "just do it"! =D -Brenda
